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Member Since 7 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Today, 15:16

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In Topic: (Ex YU) No EPG

Today, 13:42

Which version are taking about?


I have:

    Regel  2821: <!-- 1.9E --><channel id="DocuBox.bg">1:0:1:4D:C:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Docubox -->
    Regel  2822: <!-- 39.0E --><channel id="DocuBox.bg">1:0:1:C9:4:1:1860000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Docubox -->
    Regel  2823: <!-- 39.0E --><channel id="DocuBox.bg">1:0:16:116:5:1:1860000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Docubox -->
    Regel  2824: <!-- 0.8W --><channel id="Docubox.eu">1:0:16:75AB:2BD:600:E080000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Docubox -->
    Regel  2825: <!-- 0.8W --><channel id="Docubox.eu">1:0:16:7E6:AF2:BB:E080000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Docubox -->
    Regel  2826: <!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Docubox.eu">1:0:1:1B4:A:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Docubox -->
    Regel  2827: <!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Docubox.eu">1:0:1:4D:C:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Docubox -->
    Regel  2828: <!-- 16.0E --><channel id="Docubox.eu">1:0:19:A97:9DD0:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Docubox -->
    Regel  2829: <!-- 23.5E --><channel id="Docubox.eu">1:0:1:36E3:C8C:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Docubox -->
    Regel  2830: <!-- 0.8W --><channel id="DocuBox.ro">1:0:16:7E6:AF2:BB:E080000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Docubox -->
    Regel  2831: <!-- 16.0E --><channel id="DocuBox.ro">1:0:19:A97:9DD0:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Docubox -->
    Regel  2832: <!-- 16.0E --><channel id="DocuBox.svn">1:0:19:A97:9DD0:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Docubox -->

And Docubox.svn and Docubox.eu have the same schedule.  (only different language)

In Topic: [UKsat] Missing EPG - UKsat

Today, 09:03


Service ref added.

In Topic: [UKsat] Missing EPG - UKsat

Today, 09:01

1:0:1:1aa1:7e7:2:11a0000:0:0:0: Virgin Three

Service ref added.

1:0:1:d390:830:2:11a0000:0:0:0: Now Xmas / 90s&00s

See above.

1:0:19:c532:813:2:11a0000:0:0:0: Must Have Idea's HD

1:0:1:1db9:82d:2:11a0000:0:0:0: Ayozat TV

Schedule has disappeared from all the websites I know off.

In Topic: [UKsat] Missing EPG - UKsat

Today, 08:50

Is there EPG for Now XMAS?


In Topic: [Miscellaneous] Changes or new channels

Today, 08:45

GEB America
Weird type of schedule.
Time is in Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5) I think.

Added.  But schedule taken from an US website.