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#504861 Ziggo : dubbele tuner allebei in gebruik. Waarom ...?

Posted by WanWizard on 14 September 2015 - 13:45

Als de streaming poort open staat naar het internet kun je er op wachten totdat je in een illegaal iptv netwerk hangt. Ik kan het niet genoeg herhalen: NOOIT je box aan 't internet hangen !!!

#502236 Plugin KodiDirect.v.2.0

Posted by WanWizard on 24 August 2015 - 18:35

If that is the case then we can't add Kodidirect. Because the reason TSMedia isn't added, is that it gives access to illegal content.

#499804 cccam prio

Posted by WanWizard on 29 July 2015 - 19:11

# bij deze

Net gemaakt, nieuwer kan niet? Of moet er ook nog wat zinnigs in staan?

#498149 CanalDigitaal gaat over op CI+ module

Posted by WanWizard on 16 July 2015 - 13:09

Het zure is dat de enige partij die dit kan aanpakken de grote illegale share bedrijven zijn. Die zie je nu ook al SKY HD aanbieden, iets wat tot voor kort als niet te kraken werd beschouwd (ook CWoE).


Dus alle brave gebruikers zullen straks door deze actie uit pure ellende hun centen bij een share server moeten brengen in plaats van bij de provider. Waarmee ze volledig voorbij schieten in hun doel de illegale sharing uit te bannen.


Alleen niemand bij die providers die dat snapt of wil snappen, ze zijn allemaal zo overtuigd van het feit dat gebruikers op hun crap services en crap hardware zitten te wachten...

#497336 PLi voor Dreambox 800 HD

Posted by WanWizard on 9 July 2015 - 13:42

Ik zie 800 (ouwe 2.1 software), 800 SE en 8000.


Zie jij er meer dan?


Een 800 is een 800HD. En daar is geen nieuwere software voor, de box is end-of-life.

#496052 Mount again na boot

Posted by WanWizard on 28 June 2015 - 11:07

En autofs? Die mount helemaal niks, todat je 't nodig hebt.

#495506 merge requests for PLi's git

Posted by WanWizard on 21 June 2015 - 17:51

Sadly OpenPLi is still not actively using Github,...
Yet, it is being worked on.

#495311 vuduo openpli 2.1 en oscam

Posted by WanWizard on 19 June 2015 - 08:49

waarom zou je voor de duo nog steeds een openpli 2.1 hier kunnen downloaden bij de downloads van de duo ?

Omdat die ooit een keer voor een test is neergezet, en nooit meer is weggehaald, het automatisch opruim script pakt alleen huidige versies mee.

Dus goed dat je dit even laat weten, dan kan ik 't opruimen.

#494561 Betaalde zenders werken niet meer, gratis zenders wel

Posted by WanWizard on 13 June 2015 - 14:19

Ja, dat heb je als de feed uitvalt. Je ontvangt van het transponder signaal is dan prima, maar als de satelliet zijn uplink kwijt is, dan heb je geen beeld.


En CCcam crasht vandaag de dag om de haverklap, dus dat kan ook prima een oorzaak zijn dan ineens alleen FTA werkt. Makkelijk te checken via de browser op poort 16001, of via de CCcaminfo plugin op de box.

#493066 OpenPli swap management

Posted by WanWizard on 30 May 2015 - 12:09

DVB streams are fully processed in hardware, in the SoC (the chip), no software is involved in this process. Enigma can be completely dead, the image feed to your TV wil continue to run.


Decoding also happens in hardware, the cam is only asked for a key. You can have some pixelation if the cam takes to long to respond, this seems to happen sometimes when using CCcam and certain smartcards, but when that is the case you should notice freezes as well (sometimes it takes CCcam 10 seconds to recover) and have problems outside the timeslot you mentioned.


Non-DVB streams, from mp3's to h.264 video, are processed by gstreamer, in software, and that is a very buggy environment with memory leaks and fragmentation as a result. People using this a lot (for example playing lots of mp3 or downloaded movies) should restart their box at regular intervals.


The problem with the network interface (this affects all boxes, it's a broadcom driver issue) is that it needs buffer memory to be continues. As the box is being used, it gets more and more difficult to allocate buffer space in one continuous block. Modern drivers, like for PC linux distributions, use a mechanism called scatter/gather to construct buffers from non-continuous memory blocks. If buffer allocation fails, you get hickups in your stream, which you will notice if you're playing a recording from a remote device, or streaming a DVB from your box to an external device.


I agree with others that if you can pinpoint the problems to an exact timeframe, and it is reproducable, it is very likely an external source causing it. I've seen these sort of problems happen with DECT phones, 4G antenna's close by, etc.


Also, it could be that your dish isn't aligned properly. Satellites don't have a fixed place in orbit, the perform a "figure of 8", which means that if your dish positioning is off, it be out of focus when the sattelite is at it's other side of its orbit. This might only be a small percentage, but if your reception is already at the edge, that also might cause pixalation to occur.

#492120 enigma2_crashlog

Posted by WanWizard on 20 May 2015 - 09:51

Ah, op die pagina. Dat ding is een beetje een speciaal geval. Er is volgens mij ook helemaal geen link naar toe, dus eigenlijk hoor je daar niet te komen.


Die download pagina is gemaakt voor een boxtype. Nu met de nieuwe layout er twee lagen zijn (fabrikant en model), zit je met deze pagina waar geen boxtype of voorkomt, alleen fabrikanten.


En ik heb even gekenen, daar kan de code die achter die pagina zit niet tegen. Die deed een

if ( in_array($boxtype, $boxes))


wat naar True evalueert als $boxtype NULL is (en dat is zo op deze pagina).


Ik heb de code aangepast.

#491368 softcam startup script more universal

Posted by WanWizard on 15 May 2015 - 19:13

I wasn't replying to your answer, but to the point of trying to do something very complex, in the wrong way, and because of illegal activities. If you have a valid subscription, you have a smartcard, and only need one softcam, one that can read the cards.


And yes, I am quite annoyed about "these people", their sharing business has caused providers to start implementing CWOE and card pairing, which means that soon people with valid subscriptions that cost quite a bit of money every month can no longer watch TV with the hardware they prefer. The good are suffering because of the bad.

#490503 merge requests for PLi's git

Posted by WanWizard on 8 May 2015 - 13:18

Again, you don't read.


I know very well how it SHOULD be, and my own IPv6 setup is as it should be.


My point is that you CAN NOT DICTATE what the rest of the world should be doing, or is actually doing. You have to accept the reality, whether you like it or not. And stop whining about you being right and the rest of the world being wrong.


It is our duty to implement something that will work in ALL situations, for all users. Not only the users that happen to agree with you, and have done what you like them to.


And to show you you are wrong, I have connected to a family members Synology, which runs an out-of-box setup, so dual stack. Only a link-local address, and I don't know how their router is setup, but I am sure their provider doesn't do IPv6.


And observe:

Penguin> ping openpli.org
PING openpli.org (2001:1af8:4100:a01e:3::12): 56 data bytes
--- openpli.org ping statistics ---
13 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

I can leave it running for another hour, it will not switch to IPv4. So please stop with your bullshit.

#490286 Issue with network shares

Posted by WanWizard on 7 May 2015 - 09:06

And is that PC up and running at that moment?


If not, it's just waiting for a timeout. You should not create mounts to devices that are not always there...

#488016 Authentication for streaming and change port

Posted by WanWizard on 20 April 2015 - 12:33

And you don't make it much harder, it will take 20 seconds or so more to find your altered port.


Security by obscurity is always a bad idea, and there are now active searches for open streaming ports, by people that run illegal IPTV networks, so be warned.