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Member Since 12 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 19:35

#1629357 Astra 23,5 oost: belangrijke wijzigingen 23 mei op komst!

Posted by Frenske on 2 July 2024 - 12:01

We get less and less channels and quality what a dis-sat(isfaction)


#1622803 Wireguard

Posted by Frenske on 16 May 2024 - 16:46

Meine Herren, dies ist der Deutschsprachigen Sektion. Bitte bleibt bei dem originalen Sprache. Danke I’m Voraus.

Guys, this is a German section. Please remain with the initial language of this section. Thanks in advance.

#1619008 Verkauf von Enigma2-Boxen in Frankfurt, München und Berlin

Posted by Frenske on 20 April 2024 - 10:10

Da könnte Google am besten aushelfen. 

#1601158 [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin

Posted by Frenske on 24 January 2024 - 10:55

I will not urge you to fix it immediately. I am very patient. At least sometimes.  ;)

#1588660 [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin

Posted by Frenske on 11 December 2023 - 13:26

Shouldn’t we split these last discussion regarding additional packages from this skin related topic?

#1573850 dreambox 7020hdv2

Posted by Frenske on 20 October 2023 - 20:44

Nonsense. That should be a piece of cake for an "all-rounder" like you. I therefore no longer believe in it and hereby close this topic permanently.
Please go write a book about developments that have never been published. Maybe that will sell as well as H.C. Anderson's. For now it is a closed book here.

#1573794 dreambox 7020hdv2

Posted by Frenske on 20 October 2023 - 18:07

Pictures don't tell me anything. Movies actually do.
If they aren’t offered via YouTube, then I also quit asking and we / I close this topic permanently because people can ask what they want, a substantive response will not come from you.

#1571310 Webcam viewer crashes on startup.

Posted by Frenske on 8 October 2023 - 10:14

Net ook even getest op mijn Ultimo 4k met zowel de laatste NB alsook met de laatste RC9 en kan het issue bevestigen.

Geen idee of dit gerelateerd is aan de conversie van Python 2 naar 3.


Just tested on my Ultimo 4K with the latest NB and the latest RC 9.0 and can confirm this issue.

No idea whether this is related to the conversion from Python 2 to 3.

#1571290 Release Candidate van de 9.0 image is publiek gekomen.

Posted by Frenske on 8 October 2023 - 09:14

Na de melding "het image wordt uitgepakt" krijg je onmiddellijk de foutmelding, het flashen is nog niet eens begonnen. Anders had je wel een ander scherm gekregen.


Nee dat blijkt toch anders te zijn. Hoewel het amper te zien is wordt er zeer kort getoond dat het flashen is begonnen en direct daarna de melding dat het flashen is mislukt. Dat je er overheen hebt gekeken in het filmpje lijkt mij niet meer dan logisch want het starten van het flashen was maar een zeer kort moment te zien. 
Maar gelukkig is het nu in een log aangetoond dat er iets mis is met OFGwrite. Nu nog ‘even’ een oplossing uit de hoge hoed halen. 

IMG_0454.jpeg   IMG_0454.jpeg

#1570402 OpenWebIf not responding when i try to add or edit a timer ?

Posted by Frenske on 4 October 2023 - 13:34

Regarding JediMakerXtream, in short JMX, the answer is yes.

#1559100 Das erste 9.0 Release Candidate Image ist online seit Heute.

Posted by Frenske on 16 August 2023 - 15:19

Heute wurde der offizielle Release Candidate des 9.0 Images veröffentlicht. Für diejenigen, die noch nie ein Nightly Build getestet haben, weil sie Angst hatten, ist jetzt die Gelegenheit, diesen RC zu testen. Über Kommentare/Beobachtungen freuen wir uns. Und natürlich sind auch positive Kommentare gerne gesehen.

#1559096 The first Release Candidate of the 9.0 image is online.

Posted by Frenske on 16 August 2023 - 15:18

Today the official Release Candidate of the 9.0 image went public. For those who never tested a Nightly Build before because being afraid then now is the opportunity to test this RC. Any comments / observations we look forward to receiving. And of course all positive comments are also nice to hear.

#1555924 OpenPLi-py3

Posted by Frenske on 3 August 2023 - 12:16

Hello, when will Python 3 stable version? next year ? 2022 it was said that in a few monts, a dosen or so passed and nothing. what does it really look like ?


From the moment you yourself made effort to test the plug-ins that were based on Python 2 and had to be fully converted to Python 3, only then would you have possibly been allowed to voice limited criticism about the delayed release of a Release 9 based on Python 3. This is not the case, and apparently you never bothered to test the Night Build (Develop) either. This has been public and set up for Python 3 since ages. And given your pretty annoying way of responding, I don't feel inclined to respond to this any further substantively.

#1552955 UP/DOWNLINK, jrg. 13, nr. 6, 24 maart 2023

Posted by Frenske on 14 July 2023 - 15:47



Laat iedereen in zijn waarde en houd aub op met je soms aanhoudend gezever. Jij hoeft het niet te lezen maar er waren zeker liefhebbers voor liefhebbers van dit tweewekelijkse informatie-magazine. Zo zie ik het soms en niet specifiek in dit topic maar dit is ook gezien in andere topics.

HRO heeft jaren lang energie gestopt in de samenstelling van de UP/Down en hij heeft a.g.v. voor hem moverende redenen besloten hiermee te stoppen. En dat is zijn goed recht. Het was immers op vrijwillige basis.

#1550683 new solo 4k and openpli 8.3..with 27.5w..

Posted by Frenske on 1 July 2023 - 10:33

Debates regarding the use of illegal content is not allowed. See our board-rules.