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Physical CD/DVD support enigma2.


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Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #121 AlisterSimington

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Posted 24 October 2015 - 05:07

Christophe ... thanks for working on these problems.  A USB based DVD/CD is a great alternative to a conventional player.


I have an Beyonwiz PVR (based on enigma2) and it has the same problems that you have been fixing.


The driver details are;


root@beyonwizt4:~# opkg list '*dvdplayer*'

enigma2-plugin-extensions-dvdplayer - 3.0+git34641+5a45d2a-r25.0 ...


root@beyonwizt4:~# opkg info enigma2-plugin-extensions-dvdplayer

Package: enigma2-plugin-extensions-dvdplayer

Version: 3.0+git34641+5a45d2a-r25.0

Depends: enigma2

Status: unknown ok not-installed

Section: base

Architecture: inihdp

Maintainer: OE-Alliance

MD5Sum: 1da343c0a2a82c92da751b9105b8a11b

Size: 2796

Filename: enigma2-plugin-extensions-dvdplayer_3.0+git34641+5a45d2a-r25.0_inihdp.ipk

Source: git://bitbucket.org/beyonwiz/easy-ui-4.git;protocol=https



I'm not really familiar with enigma2 or how plugin changes, like the ones you have made, are released to different enigma2 implementations.  But it would be great to get this new version of the DVD plugin on the Beyonwiz PVR.  Are you able to advise;


1. If/when your updated plugin will be officially release ?

2. Will it be accepted/released by the OE-Alliance ?

3. Will it be released as an update to plugin 3.0+git34641+5a45d2a-r25.0 ... or is it a different plugin ?


Many thanks

Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #122 christophecvr

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Posted 26 October 2015 - 12:55

I do not know a bout the beyonwiz decoder, But the extention is enigma2-plugin-extensions-dvdplayer . Is a base extention part off pli4 enigma2. It is build when enigma2 is build. But it's not installed by default on stb.

Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #123 AlisterSimington

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Posted 26 October 2015 - 17:26



The version that I have is '3.0+git34641+5a45d2a-r25.0'


Has your new version been released yet ?  If so ... do you have the new 'Version' number ?



Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #124 arn354

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Posted 26 October 2015 - 17:30

As christopher has mentioned - dvd-player is usually located in the repository of enigma2.

So you should better ask the maintainer of beyonwiz enigma2 repository to update to dvd-player of openPLi.




Peter Urbanec seems to be the most active maintainer.


Here is beyonwiz dvd-player https://bitbucket.or...ayer/?at=master

Edited by arn354, 26 October 2015 - 17:32.

Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #125 christophecvr

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Posted 26 October 2015 - 20:35

Ter information,


The plugin on it does not do anything to the fact if dvd is playing or not.


The only thing the plugin does is :


If a dvd is inserted , after that the dvd reader is ready with reading the media info ,.. It just will pass info that the media (cd and or dvd) is ready to be used (point) that's all.


Then trough bdpoll we intercept this ready state and act on the media inserted and ready . The type off media will then be determined (that's one off my latest extra new improvements I brought to the handling off cd/dvd  physical media).

Based on the type off media we will proceed to an action now :


Audio cd pure (and mixed type) Will just create a file off the strict base track info avbl on cd using ioctl commands. This is passed to mediaplayer and a real tracklist playable trough gstreamer which is using cdio lib is made.


If it's other media type then ,a try to mount the media will be done , for a dvd on the media dvd label (obtained trough the very base cd read ioctl commands) If the media does not have a label, on the drive label.


Once the media is mounted it's all proccesed by already existing plugins :





and or (if needed ) mediaplayer.


Whitout the dvd player plugin if its a dvd nothing wil happen automated , But if it's a standard video dvd You can play it using pvr button browse to the the just mounted dvd. select VIDEO_TS map and press ok.

The dvd wil play.


If the plugin is installed it just will pop up a msg playdvd  on which you press ok if you wan't to play the dvd you just inserted. But if you just exit the dvd play is not started , You will well find a new main menu item on top PLAY DVD.

Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #126 AlisterSimington

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Posted 4 November 2015 - 15:45

Christophe ... thanks for the summary.


We have loaded your new plugin on the Beyonwiz and its much better than the old version. Thanks


We do have two remaining issues;


1. The 'DVD Player' only appears in menu when we boot up the PVR with a DVD inserted in the drive.  If there is no DVD in the drive when machine is turned we don't get the 'DVD Player' menu item.  Also even if we insert a DVD .. we still do not get 'DVD Player' appearing in the menu.

2. We cannot play CD's at all.  When we open MediaPlayer the CD does not appear in the directory selection.


Do you have any suggestions for things we should check  to address these issues ?  Thanks

Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #127 christophecvr

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Posted 5 November 2015 - 08:08

Christophe ... thanks for the summary.


We have loaded your new plugin on the Beyonwiz and its much better than the old version. Thanks


We do have two remaining issues;


1. The 'DVD Player' only appears in menu when we boot up the PVR with a DVD inserted in the drive.  If there is no DVD in the drive when machine is turned we don't get the 'DVD Player' menu item.  Also even if we insert a DVD .. we still do not get 'DVD Player' appearing in the menu.

2. We cannot play CD's at all.  When we open MediaPlayer the CD does not appear in the directory selection.


Do you have any suggestions for things we should check  to address these issues ?  Thanks

For the dvd to pop up the last enigma2 is needed ,The last hotplug is needed. and You well need to install the optional dvdplayer plugin (its build by default but not installed be default).


For cd playing last enigma2,last hotplug and libcdio >= 0.93  (is required for gst-1) that is not included in gst-1 branch there still the openembedded libcdio-0.82 is used incompatible with gstreamer 1.0.

Also cdtext info  is required with patch for use of libcdio >= 0.9

Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #128 christophecvr

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Posted 5 November 2015 - 08:29

More detail about packages.


for dvd/cd playing:


last enigma2  use last commit (not really the last is required but I would advice to keep enigma2 up to date)

last hotplug-e2-helper  https://github.com/OpenPLi/hotplug-e2-helper


for cd extra required libcdio > = 0.93 cdtext info patched for libcdio > 0.9. Those recipes are not in gst-1 branch, I set here the needed recipes. Just set them in recipes-local.





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Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #129 peteru

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Posted 5 November 2015 - 14:16

Thanks for your guidance Christophe. I will make another build using your recipes for updated libcdio. I am trying to get this working for the users, but have no access to any CD/DVD hardware, so I can not test or debug the issues.


We're already using the latest git version of OpenPLi hotplug-e2-helper from github (not SourceForge)


As far as enigma2 state goes, our fork has the following patches, which I think cover most of the relevant stuff that is in OpenPLi:


Author: ims
Date:   Sun Jan 4 23:06:16 2015 +0100
    fixed missing return value in getAutofsMountpoint

Author: christophecvr
Date:   Sun Oct 4 12:52:31 2015 +0200
    Audio cd whithout cdfs support.
    Audio CD now working without kernel-module-cdfs.

Author: christophecvr
Date:   Wed Oct 7 11:49:45 2015 +0200
    DVD player plugin possible gsod error.

     When this plugin is used, in main menu item DVDplayer shows up.
     When You exit the dvd player. Remain in mainmenu and removed the dvd.
     Clicked ok, A non existend dvd tried to play

Author: christophecvr
Date:   Sun Sep 13 12:53:02 2015 +0200
    Adapted the == to is

     Thanks to comments off MiLo
     I corrected an error in python.The detected_DVD == true to detected_DVD
     and the detected_DVD == None to detected_DVD is None.

Author: christophecvr
Date:   Fri Sep 11 16:37:56 2015 +0200
    Some improvemnts on previous DVD-player patch.

     Thanks to Taapat


Author: christophecvr
Date:   Fri Sep 11 13:03:58 2015 +0200
    DVDplayer plugin not always went away when a dvd is removed.

     The menu item in mainmenu DVD-player. Not always went away,  up on removal
     off dvd from reader. Now it does.  Changed the hard targetting to /media/sr
     to the real detected mountpoint.

Author: Mike Looijmans
Date:   Sun Jan 4 16:55:54 2015 +0100
    No longer assume DVD or CD is mounted under /autofs
    Everything mounts under /media/ and DVD or CD should not be an exception
    to that. Adapt the code to no longer assume that /autofs even exists.

"Beauty lies in the hands of the beer holder."


Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #130 christophecvr

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Posted 5 November 2015 - 15:00

If last enigma2 off pli4 is used all is in.


There are changes to a couple off py modules as well.


You can find which in :







Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #131 christophecvr

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Posted 5 November 2015 - 15:23

on dm8000 with a (external) sata samsung dvd writer  (I used a connection cable which a passed trough a hole somewhere to plug sata cable into dm8000 but use a external power supply made to let work external sata devices especially handy for external but sata hdd rack's ).


Official dvd's are all playing 100 % inclusive menu handling and language selections.

cd's are all playing 100 % with gst-1.0 >= 1.6.0.  with gst 1.5.1 cd's tend to sometimes stop in the middle off a song (much less then on gst-0.1 but still) .


with external usbdvd writer asus type Slim SDRW-08D2S-U on dm8000 also ok for dvd and cd.


For vuduo2 I only used external usbdvd writer asus type Slim SDRW-08D2S-U

DVD almost ok but user must depending on which DVD sometimes fiddle around with menu buttons on remote command.

For audio cd no problem all 100 % by me.


By vuduo2 packages : needs to be installed :


Well the way how I do just ad them to my vuxxo2.inc before I build (for gst-1.0)

	vuplus-shutdown \
	gstreamer1.0-plugin-multibox-dvbmediasink \
	ntfs-3g \
	kernel-module-udf \
	kernel-module-cdrom \
	kernel-module-sr-mod \
	cdtextinfo \

Edited by christophecvr, 5 November 2015 - 15:23.

Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #132 christophecvr

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Posted 5 November 2015 - 15:31

extra comment on this :



on dm8000 with a (external) sata samsung dvd writer  (I used a connection cable which a passed trough a hole somewhere to plug sata cable into dm8000 but use a external power supply made to let work external sata devices especially handy for external but sata hdd rack's ).

It's a sata dvdwriter samsung type-SH224 normally made to install in a desktop pc. Normal sata2 (not a micro sata device)

Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #133 peteru

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Posted 5 November 2015 - 16:05

Thanks Christophe. It looks like we have all the relevant patches except for the fix for "GSOD error if Images where made whotout Hotplug support." However, that one should not matter because we do have hotplug support.


I think I'll put this on the backburner until I can get some hardware so that I can test with an optical drive. I'm sure that once I can actually see what is going on, I'll get results much faster. Right now all I get is reports from users that say "The only way to make the DVD Player plugin appear in the second column is to reboot or restart the GUI with a disk already inserted in the drive." :-(


It sounds like some kind of a hotplug issue, however I know that hotplug works properly with USB sticks.

"Beauty lies in the hands of the beer holder."


Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #134 christophecvr

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Posted 5 November 2015 - 16:07

Some extra hints about use,


I saw some questions from AlisterSimington.


When all is build and installed all right,


When You insert a dvd or cd


You will(at least should) see a play dvd or play cd pop up after the media has been detected depending on media.

Just press ok and it starts playing.


Ok You stopped playing the media (but did not removed it),

You just wanted to watch the news ,a serie or went to eat, to a party to ... whatever :P   You want to resume the watch off You're dvd , wel press main menu You find an item Playdvd. It will even resume the dvd where You where at stop if You selcet ok on the question. Same for cd.

Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #135 christophecvr

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Posted 5 November 2015 - 16:24

Thanks Christophe. It looks like we have all the relevant patches except for the fix for "GSOD error if Images where made whotout Hotplug support." However, that one should not matter because we do have hotplug support.


I think I'll put this on the backburner until I can get some hardware so that I can test with an optical drive. I'm sure that once I can actually see what is going on, I'll get results much faster. Right now all I get is reports from users that say "The only way to make the DVD Player plugin appear in the second column is to reboot or restart the GUI with a disk already inserted in the drive." :-(


It sounds like some kind of a hotplug issue, however I know that hotplug works properly with USB sticks.

It is well  all based on hotplug support this means that is required. In pli4 enigma2 the hotplug support is a default add, and all removable media is based on it.


pli4 uses busybox version off mdev for base device mount/unmount managing (not udev).


See also the changes about busybox where a crucial issue (very crucial it's a blocker if not done right) is needed concerning the launching off bdpoll.c which is the cd/dvd state poller and required for detecting removal/insertion of a cd/dvd.


see commit https://github.com/O...a95f15061e5058a

Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #136 peteru

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Posted 5 November 2015 - 16:47

Thanks, I applied the busybox mdev.conf patch and will get the users to retest as soon as the build is finished and the feed updated.

"Beauty lies in the hands of the beer holder."


Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #137 christophecvr

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Posted 5 November 2015 - 18:45

Thanks, I applied the busybox mdev.conf patch and will get the users to retest as soon as the build is finished and the feed updated.

Thank's for testing, this ability top play physical dvd/cd's is not really wide spreaded mainly cause very few boxes do have a internal bay for a cd/dvd player. Then to use external usb cd/dvd writers .... it does not work on major stb's just cause the kernel config puts the required drivers module based instead off directly included. Like why for example vu+ does not made the required udf cdrom and sr-mod really a part from every actif kernel is ... ???? At least for a vuduo2 to its should not be module based but really incorporated in base kernel. That's a couple of small pretty base kernel config items to adapt.


I personally really do like real cd's and dvd's (official media) but yes i'm an old chap born in the time that a classic cassette player was a revolution and actually a simple calculator did even not exist tv's where black and white without transistors but lamps instead.

a pc was scy fy but I was fan of star-trek which was in black and white by us.

Edited by christophecvr, 5 November 2015 - 18:47.

Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #138 christophecvr

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Posted 5 November 2015 - 18:54

In general the dvd playing is ok now.


The cd yes ok but it's still song by song. gst-1.0 does offer the possibility the handle cd's as a single track where the tracks are treated like a toc entry. And navigating trough cd will be done by seek.


Now i'm first working on some mpeg support issues by gst-1.6.1 if they are all solved (will not be tommorow) the perhaps think about the creation off a full cd player in cpp. Then a cd will really be able to be played like it was a normal cd player. (cd's like for example the wall from pink floyd can be played as a single track for the whole cd)

Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #139 Beeker

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Posted 17 December 2015 - 10:32

With latest gstreamer GIT head, audio from CD is distort. A lot of loud and high crispy noise.


Caused by.




Can someone confirm this?

Dreambox dm920, Uclan Ustym4Kpro, Gigablue UHD TRIO 4K and Dreambox dm8000. Wavefrontier T55 13.0|19.2|23.5|28.2 + Ziggo.

Re: Physical CD/DVD support enigma2. #140 Beeker

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Posted 17 December 2015 - 13:27

Anyway..For thom with the same problem. A patch which revers the commit.

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Edited by Beeker, 17 December 2015 - 13:27.

Dreambox dm920, Uclan Ustym4Kpro, Gigablue UHD TRIO 4K and Dreambox dm8000. Wavefrontier T55 13.0|19.2|23.5|28.2 + Ziggo.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: DVD, UDF, AUDIO CD, ISO, CDIO

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