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Member Since 8 Nov 2009
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#515160 VU Solo 4k support

Posted by MiLo on 21 November 2015 - 11:49

A BSP is only for the easy of hobby-imagebuilders; using a BSP they have no work to do at all to support hardware, and they can blame the manufacturer for everything that is not working 100%.


Quite correct. The manufacturer chose to build a closed-source infrastructure and must therefore bear the consequences. The BSP clearly marks the boundaries between what manufacturers are responsible for, and what the team will do.


If any manufacturer provides open source drivers and hardware, my offer of creating and maintaining Linux support (in other words: The BSP) for free still stands.

#514817 Allerhande persoonlijke en technische ervaringen m.b.t. geluid.

Posted by MiLo on 19 November 2015 - 07:49

En tegenwoordig zelfs nog analoog naar een vinyl luisteren.... Omdat dat beter gevonden wordt....


Nou da's iets waar ik me wel een beetje in kan vinden.


Vinyl werd doorgaans gemasterd door audio technici met niet alleen kennis van de apparatuur en de beperkingen daarvan, maar met ook een beetje liefde voor het vak en de muziek. Aan het eindproduct kon je dat merken.


CDs tegenwoordig worden gemasterd door getrainde chimpansees ofzo.

#514635 Allerhande persoonlijke en technische ervaringen m.b.t. geluid.

Posted by MiLo on 17 November 2015 - 16:00


Leuke topic jongens, hoewel ik er maar weinig van begrijp lees ik het met veel plezier. Ik vind het een verademing om eens te lezen hoeveel kennis mensen hebben
van een materie die de mijne niet is maar waar ik dagelijks gebruik van maak. Als argeloze muziek liefhebber gaat er in dit topic een wereld voor mij open,
terwijl ikzelf niet verder kom dan de geluidsinstallatie aanzetten en een CD kiezen!


Welbeschouwd is het allemaal wiskunde van meer dan een eeuw oud, gecombineerd met elektronica van halverwege de vorige eeuw.


Het nieuwtje is dat we op den duur de benodigde rekenkracht hadden om die wiskunde ook echt in praktijk te brengen.

#510899 New VU+ Solo 4K

Posted by MiLo on 26 October 2015 - 19:48

This is your piece of cake MiLo, it has an ARM core!


It would be my piece of cake if it were open source.


Much stronger than that, if it's open source I'll even write and submit the Linux drivers for free.

#504483 cs378x(TCP) vs cs357x (UDP).

Posted by MiLo on 11 September 2015 - 17:24

De winst van TCP checksum offloading zit ook niet zozeer in de berekening, maar in het moeten verzamelen en herindelen in hapklare ethernet frames.

Bij hardware offload worden de headers en data gescheiden verzameld, en pas op het laatst, als ze naar de hardware gaan, plakt deze de headers erbij en vult de checksum in. Grote voordeel is dat de CPU niet alle data moet kopieren in pakketbuffers, maar dat de datastroom gewoon aaneengesloten in geheugen kan blijven staan tot de DMA ze oppikt.

Als deze accelleratie ontbreekt, is het enige dat overblijft het vergroten van de pakketten. Dat vereist dan wel ook weer hardware support. Op een 400MHz ARM systeem zorgde het vergroten van de ethernet frames van 1.5k naar 4k voor een factor 4 meer doorvoer.

#504311 cs378x(TCP) vs cs357x (UDP).

Posted by MiLo on 10 September 2015 - 14:01

USP versus TCP for dummies: Don't use UDP.

Da's de razendsnelle selectie gids. Er zijn eigenlijk geen redenen om UDP te kiezen. TCP is net zo "snel" (zelfde latency), en de protocol overhead gaat nergens over.

#500735 growisofs - can't burn a dvd+rw

Posted by MiLo on 9 August 2015 - 19:40

The box automatically mounts "everything". You'll probably have to unmount it, something as simple as "umount /dev/sr0" should do the trick.

You can also disable the automatic mounting for a specific device by creating a file in /dev/, this is internally used while formatting a disk.
The /etc/mdev/mdev-mount.sh script is the place to look for how to do this.

#498620 CanalDigitaal gaat over op CI+ module

Posted by MiLo on 19 July 2015 - 19:14

Dat gezegd hebbende, de licentie van Enigma2 is heel bewust gewoon GPL. Zonder uitzonderingen.

Wij willen juist af van closed-source binaire zooi waar je wordt overgeleverd aan de genade van een obscure bron. Daaronder vallen niet alleen dit soort CI+ puisten, maar ook raadselachtige "pau" programma's, CCcam en zijn vriendjes, en zeker niet te vergeten de Broadcom drivers.

En in de afgelopen twintig jaar ofzo is er nooit iemand komen zeuren over softcams, en oscam heeft allang bewezen dat ook dit prima open-source kan.

#493433 Openpli update troubles topic

Posted by MiLo on 3 June 2015 - 06:13

Er is helaas geen zekerheid mbt het wel of niet "zien" van een USB stick het is trail en error. Mijn ervaring is hoe "kleiner" hoe groter de kans. Het is wel bijzonder dat autobackup de bestanden er wel heen schrijft?

Schrijven is Linux, die ondersteunt bergen USB controllers en spul en is goed doorontwikkeld en getest en wordt regelmatig bijgewerkt.

Stick zien bij opstarten is de bootloader. Da's een stukje software van de goedkoopste aanbieder met daarin net voldoende om de stick die de programmeur toevallig had liggen te kunnen gebruiken.

#490979 merge requests for PLi's git

Posted by MiLo on 12 May 2015 - 08:46

Remove IPv4 and things break as well, so what?
Does anybody care about that problem?

I do.

I have a slow internet connection, so I really want that 3% extra bandwidth that IPv4 provides me. So I enforce IPv4 as much as possible, and avoid the one protocol to find them all and in darkness bind them...

Having said that, creating code that runs fine on both stacks isn't hard (allthough the braindead morons that created IPv6 tried to make it needlessly difficult) and I've done that on many occasions. Pieter already gave the correct solution.

#490111 I use EPG Import and EPG gets deleted everytime I turn off and on my Enigma 2...

Posted by MiLo on 5 May 2015 - 17:41

i usually power off the device from the switch. i found out why it is not saving now.
is there a way to save that epg.dat just after importing (not when soft restarting) and load it automatically with the boot up?

Yes, it's very simple too. Just shutdown the receiver using the menu. If that's too much trouble, there's a setting to make it shut down completely when you press the power button for about 2 seconds.

#489006 VU+ Zero

Posted by MiLo on 27 April 2015 - 15:33

The reasons for that PAU plugin not being in the image by default are more of a political nature, not technical at all.

The whole idea behind open source software - hence the name "OpenPLi" - is that everone can see and check what is in the image, in addition to being able to adapt and expand it freely, and to be sure of continued support for your system independent of manufacturers or developers, and the capability to run on any hardware that meets a few simple requirements.

The closed source drivers and the resulting kernel version and signature lock-in are crippling that freedom already, but we have learned to live with that handicap because of Broadcom's policy of never releasing any datasheets or other information that might enable someone to make use of their hardware outside of their infrastructure.

Any additional closed-source binary "blob" is seen as an attempt to further limit that freedom. That is also the case for things like the opera binaries for HBBTV and closed softcams like CCCam.

The HBBTV plugins at least have the dubious advantage that a manufacturer actually supports them. Personally, I couldn't have cared less and I regret ever letting them seep into the images. As for the particular case of the "pau" plugin, VU even denies its very existence (though we all know they either wrote it themselves or gave someone the resources to write it for them) so that makes it just a binary blob of unknown origin. Not something you'd want to run if you care about free-as-in-freedom software.

It also opens a door for manufacturers to have a way to lock "features" to their receivers. It's probably a matter of time before we'll see CI+ "plugins" appearing for various receivers. If you know what's good for you, you should refuse to install it, and more, refuse to buy a specific receiver for being able to run it.

#487768 Openpli and Python

Posted by MiLo on 18 April 2015 - 10:59

I pushed a master-next branch that might work (and has python 2.7.9).

#484294 image editor

Posted by MiLo on 30 March 2015 - 11:05

I want to edit hd.png file ... on infobar folder, to make it smaller, from 1280x220 to 1280x160.
I've tried windows Paint, Corel Paint Shop Pro X7 , but I always lose transparency.
Which image editor could I use ?

Any editor you like.

After changing the image, use a program like "pngquant" te reduce the image as saved in the editor to an 8-bit indexed one. Then transparency returns.

#482299 End of XMLTV Import?

Posted by MiLo on 20 March 2015 - 11:45

Interestingly, the torrent approach would make it best if all boxes start downloading at the same time. :)

We already have CTorrent and Transmission in the feeds, they work well, so it should be possible to build a working prototype by simply replacing the "gz" download in the plugin by a call to transmission and waiting for the data to arrive. Any takers?

Guess that for the download, clients just need to get today's "hash" from a server, and with just a few seeders it'll run pretty smooth regardless of how many downloaders there are.